BARDA Opportunities: Therapeutics by Eric Jia-Sobota - EverGlade Consulting

BARDA Opportunities: Therapeutics by Eric Jia-Sobota

Recently BARDA published information about the COVID programs the USG is supporting through collaboration between HHS and DoD. Some of that information is summarized in the  table below. In the rush to respond to the COVID pandemic the portfolio became unbalanced, especially regarding therapeutics. With the new administration there is interest and funding available to address that and expand investment in therapeutics. The Biden administration also has expressed strong interest in establishing secure domestic supply chains for COVID countermeasures and other essential medicines that are perennially in chronic shortage. New legislation that provides additional appropriations for HHS and DoD offices that fund drug development may include specific language calling for these issues to receive attention. EverGlade is anxiously watching the rapid evolution of this legislation and will post information as we get it here.

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EverGlade Consulting is a national consulting firm connecting public sector needs with private sector solutions. We offer services ranging from Pursuit, Proposal, and Post-Award support to comply with federal regulations at agencies including BARDA, ASPR, NIH, DTRA, JPEO, DOD, DOE, and DARPA.

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