ASPR Funding Guide - EverGlade Consulting

A Guide to ASPR IBx Funding

Picture of Stephen Richardson, Managing Consultant
Stephen Richardson, Managing Consultant
Construction workers reviewing building layout for ASPR Funding Guide

The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Industrial Base Expansion (IBx) team is a
group within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that provides funding opportunities aimed at strengthening public health and medical supply chains and addressing concerns regarding domestic manufacturing and supply chain surge capabilities. Securing funding from ASPR can be a significant milestone for organizations working in this field. This blog post will guide you through the application process, financial requirements, and technical requirements for ASPR funding.

The Application Process for ASPR IBx Funding

  1. Pre-Application: The first step in the ASPR application process is the pre-application. This involves submitting a letter of intent to ASPR. The letter should provide a brief overview of your project, including its relevance to ASPR’s mission and objectives.
  2. Review: ASPR will review your letter of intent. If it aligns with their objectives, they may invite you to submit a full proposal.
  3. Full Proposal: The full proposal will include a Technical Volume and a Business Volume and should include a detailed project plan, budget, and timeline. It should also demonstrate your technical and managerial capabilities.
  4. Evaluation: Once your full proposal is submitted, it will undergo a thorough review by a panel of experts who will evaluate the proposed project based on several factors, including scientific and technical merit, potential for commercialization, feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with ASPR’s mission. This process can take several months.
  5. Negotiation & Award: If your full proposal is successful, ASPR will enter negotiations. During negotiations, ASPR will perform due diligence efforts, audit the budget proposal, and issue a draft contract. You have an opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions of the award. Once an agreement is reached, the contract will be finalized, and an award will be made.

Financial Requirements

The financial requirements for ASPR funding are rigorous. Applicants must demonstrate financial stability and the ability to manage federal funds. This includes:

  1. Financial Statements: Applicants must provide financial statements for the past three years. These should include balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
  2. Budget Proposal: Applicants must submit a detailed budget proposal outlining how the funds will be used. This should include direct costs (e.g., personnel, equipment, supplies) and indirect costs (e.g., overhead, administrative costs).
  3. Audit Requirements: Applicants must comply with federal audit requirements. This includes undergoing an annual audit by an independent public accountant.

A Guide to ASPR IBx Funding

Technical Requirements for ASPR IBx

The technical requirements for ASPR funding are designed to ensure that projects align with ASPR’s
mission and objectives. These include:

  1. Technical Feasibility: Applicants must demonstrate the technical feasibility of their project. This includes providing evidence of preliminary data, proof of concept, or prototype development. The more concrete evidence you can provide, the better your chances of securing funding.
  2. Relevance: Your project must align with ASPR’s mission, which is to save lives and protect Americans from 21st-century health security threats. This means your project should address a clear public health need and have the potential to make a significant impact. For instance, projects related to pandemic preparedness, emergency response, or innovative medical solutions are typically of high relevance.
  3. Capability: ASPR needs to know that you have the technical and managerial capability to successfully execute the project. This includes having a qualified team with the necessary skills and experience. It also involves having the appropriate facilities and equipment to execute the project. You may need to provide details about your team’s qualifications, your facilities, and your project management plan.
  4. Data Management and Sharing Plan: ASPR often requires a data management and sharing plan. This plan should outline how you will handle, store, and share data generated during the project. It should also address issues related to data privacy and security.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: If your project involves human subjects, animals, or hazardous materials, you must demonstrate compliance with all relevant regulations. This includes obtaining necessary approvals and ensuring ethical considerations are met.

Securing ASPR funding is a competitive process that requires careful preparation and planning. By understanding the application process, financial requirements, and technical requirements, you can increase your chances of success. Remember, the key is to demonstrate your project’s relevance to ASPR’s mission, its technical feasibility, and your capability to execute it.

If your company has considered applying for ASPR funding, EverGlade Consulting is the right partner to help make that a reality. EverGlade has a full suite of experienced consulting professionals prepared to support your ASPR Funding Application. Our team has helped both large and small companies prepare, submit, and win applications for federal funding. EverGlade consultants can help develop your business plan, prepare financial projections, and assemble a concise and complete package to take advantage of these unique programs. With a successful history of supporting diverse clients through the application process, our team’s unique understanding of the federal funding landscape will strengthen the chances of your proposal’s success.

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EverGlade Consulting is a national consulting firm connecting public sector needs with private sector solutions. We offer services ranging from Pursuit, Proposal, and Post-Award support to comply with federal regulations at agencies including BARDA, ASPR, NIH, DTRA, JPEO, DOD, DOE, and DARPA.

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