CHIPS Program Office Receives Over 300 Statements of Interest from Potential Applicants - EverGlade Consulting

CHIPS Program Office Receives Over 300 Statements of Interest from Potential Applicants

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Stephen Richardson, Managing Consultant
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The Department of Commerce’s CHIPS (Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors) Program Office has garnered significant attention from potential investors and stakeholders across the United States. With a focus on expanding semiconductor production capabilities in the country, the CHIPS Program Office has already received over 300 statements of interest (SOIs) from various applicants representing 37 states. These SOIs encompass requests for incentives related to commercial fabrication, packaging, and research and development (R&D) facilities, as well as from material suppliers and equipment manufacturers.

The overwhelming response to the CHIPS Program is evident, as more than half of the submitted SOIs express interest in the initial funding opportunity, specifically for the construction of commercial fabrication facilities. The remaining SOIs indicate an anticipation for forthcoming funding opportunities. The CHIPS Program Office plans to announce a funding opportunity for equipment manufacturers and materials suppliers in the late spring, followed by a funding opportunity for the construction of R&D facilities in the fall.

The projects outlined in the SOIs showcase a wide range of endeavors aligned with semiconductor production. They include plans for supplying essential materials and chemicals, establishing cutting-edge fabrication clusters, producing legacy chips for critical industries, and developing R&D facilities focused on emerging technologies. This diversity highlights the broad interest and potential for growth within the semiconductor sector.
The CHIPS Program Office continues to accept SOIs for all eligible projects, including those related to supply chain enhancement and commercial R&D facilities. Additionally, the office is currently evaluating applications for the first funding opportunity concerning the construction of commercial fabrication facilities on a rolling basis. To effectively gauge project interest and plan future funding initiatives, the Department strongly encourages potential applicants to continue filing SOIs.

The CHIPS Program Office signifies the government’s commitment to boosting domestic semiconductor production and securing the nation’s technological competitiveness. By actively seeking participation from a wide range of stakeholders, including private companies and manufacturers, the program aims to foster investment in America’s semiconductor industry. The robust response received thus far highlights the eagerness of industry players to contribute to the growth and resilience of the nation’s semiconductor ecosystem. With over 300 statements of interest received from potential applicants, the CHIPS Program Office has clearly generated considerable enthusiasm within the semiconductor industry.

If your company has considered applying for CHIPS funding, EverGlade Consulting is the right partner to help make that a reality. EverGlade has a full suite of experienced consulting professionals prepared to support your CHIPS Funding Application to the Department of Commerce. Our team has helped both large and small companies prepare, submit, and win applications for federal funding to expand U.S. manufacturing capabilities and repatriate critical supply chains. EverGlade consultants can help develop your business plan, prepare financial projections, and assemble a concise and complete package to take advantage of this unique program. With a successful history of supporting diverse clients through the application process, our team’s unique understanding of the federal funding landscape will strengthen the chances of your proposal’s success.

For additional information about EverGlade Consulting, Chips Funding Application

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