DPA Title III Funding
The Defense Production Act Title III Office was created to ensure resilient, robust domestic supply chains to reduce dependence on foreign manufacturing and address current shortfalls. It is a part of the Industrial Base Policy Office within the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment with a mission to inform the department on all matters pertaining to industrial base resilience and innovation. Its three focus areas are to sustain critical production, commercialize research & development investments, and scale emerging technologies.
Their scope is extremely broad reaching from life sciences to innovative tech to armaments and beyond. These opportunities are typically available through Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs), Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs) Requests for Proposals (RFPs), and other solicitations, which outline specific research and development interests.
EverGlade's solutions include:
- Opportunity identification
- Portfolio review
- Proposal support
- Post-award program management
- Post-Award contract administration